Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw currently has 3 permanent working groups, which have a responsibility in organising our activities or engaging into advocacy:
Pool of TrainersDon Bosco Youth-Net ivzw has a pool of trainers. The members of this pool of trainers deliver training on DBYN coordinated activities like youth exchanges, training courses and seminars. Their main field of work are the activities of DBYN’s training structure and the network meetings. Next to this they can be asked by member organisations to be active on their own multilateral international activities. The pool of trainers can also provide trainers for non-member organisations
Pool of Salesian ChaplainsDon Bosco Youth-Net ivzw has a pool of Salesian Chaplains. The members of this pool of Salesian Chaplains are responsible for the spiritual and pastoral animation of DBYN’s activities, according to the rules and regulations stipulated under ‘DBYN spiritual activities of DBYN’s training structure and the network meetings.
Pool of Youth RepresentativesThe 3rd statutory aim of DBYN is to represent the voice of Don Bosco young people. Within our participatory approach we believe that it needs to be young people representing their peers. Therefore DBYN’s administrative body appoints specific volunteers to represent DBYN as youth representatives towards the European Youth Forum, the international institutions, and the Don Bosco Movement.
Apart from this, the network can organise thematic working groups. Such a working group brings together experts from member organisations and members of our permanent working groups. They have the responsibility to develop new concepts, policies and actions within their field of expertise. Currently we have thematic working groups 'Volunteering', 'Safeguarding', 'Training & Chaplaincy', 'Representation' and 'Finance'.