In preparation for its General Executive Body meeting in October the Administrative board of DBYN met in Leuven from the 15th-16th May 2023. Aktionszentrum - Germany, Bosco Base - Belgium, and the Salesian Youth Ministry - UK as well as the president and the staff were in attendance for the meeting and met to discuss the state of affairs, updates from the member organisations, looking at the projects that have already taken place in 2023, as well as the projects that are coming up. There was also a discussion about the different working groups and the process for hiring a communications officer. From left to right: Br. Mike - AZ, Jonny - SYM UK, Auberie, Niklas - President of DBYN, Begoña, Marieke - Bosco Base. From the 12th to the 15th October, all member organisations will meet again for a network meeting and the next general assembly to network, to discuss upcoming projects and to brainstorm ideas for future projects.
Also, after 3 years, there will also be the elections for the next Administrative Board, and the next president, with the previous elections taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an opportunity for member organisations to better shape the work of the network and ensure we meet the current needs of young people. From Friday 11th to Sunday 13th March 2023, the member organisations (MOs) of DBYN came together in Sliema, Malta for their Annual General Executive Body (G.E.B) meeting.
13 representatives from as many countries attended the meeting hosted by our Maltese member organisation SPYS (Salesian Pastoral Youth Service). The first day was an opportunity to get to know any new representatives and for the more experienced members to re-connect with each other. We also took the time to present the member organisations and to ask ourselves questions to go deeper in our work and to know the other MOs better. The group were then given the opportunity to visit St Patrick’s Salesian School & Residential care in the late morning, and then visit Valetta in the afternoon with several stops to get to know the work of SPYS and the Salesians in and around Malta (Friends of Don Bosco & Past pupils, YES – Youths Engaged in Senglea, the oratories, SPYS). On the Saturday, the work of the G.E.B began. The body met to look ahead to the activities that were scheduled in 2023, and to hear about the activities of each member organisation present. It was also an opportunity to look at the state of affairs of the network. We were also introduced to the newest staff member to DBYN, Begoña Ros Gras. Begoña is joining DBYN as Project Coordinator and Fundraising officer and has been volunteering for DBYN as an international representative since 2019. Once we had concluded the business of the network, SPYS took us over to Dingli to see the sunset from the Dingli cliffs before visiting Savio college and sharing a nice meal with Maltese specialities. During the next G.E.B meeting in October, the elections for the presidency and the board will take place and we will also continue working together in the network to offer opportunities to young people. Our stay in Malta was appreciated by all representatives and we have been able to get even more connected to each other than before. We would like to thank the whole hosting team for the preparation of the meeting and their warm welcoming. Aktionszentrum Benediktbeuern, Don Bosco Ukraine, Jeugddienst Don Bosco and the Salesian Youth Ministry GBR, all members of the administrative body of DBYN, met from 12-14 January 2023 in Jünkerath for the first administrative board meeting of the year. Auberie Samson, Br. Mike Goldsmits, Jonathan Dearden, Oleksii Dyshel, Lien Vanhecke, Niklas Gregull From Thursday 12th January 2023 to Saturday 14th January 2023, the administrative board of DBYN met in Don Bosco Jünkerath to organise the year 2023 and work on the outcomes of the General Executive Body of October 2022. Our Ukrainian delegate joined the meeting online.
On the agenda were the approval of reports, an update on all 2023 activities for young people, the brainstorm session on the future open vacancies in the international secretariat but also a visit to the Don Bosco projects in Helenenberg and Trier. The next general executive body and administrative body meetings will take place from 9th to 12th March 2023 in Malta, hosted by our member organisation Salesian Pastoral Youth Service (SPYS). Don Bosco Youth-Net was created in 2001 to offer educational opportunities for Don Bosco youth in the growing EU. But Europe and its young people have changed strongly since then. In order to address these changes, DBYN organise a strategic network meeting 16-19 March 2017 at the Salesianum in Munich.
During the first day of work, representatives of member organisations were divided over 4 thematic working groups: Participation & Impact, Education, Representation and Spirituality. The working groups focused on bringing a new clarity on the needs of our member organisations and its youth. The outcomes fed into the annual meeting of DBYN’s General Executive Body. This is the main statutory meeting of the network, which apart from adopting the annual reports, started the development of a new strategic plan for 2018-2020 and a new work plan for the coming year. DBYN also elected a new leadership. The network voted Aktionszentrum Benediktbeuern from Germany, Salesians of Austria, SPYS Malta and The Salesian Youth ministry office of Great-Britain as new members for the Administrative Body. They are responsible for the operational follow-up of the network. Fonny Grootjans was elected as a new president, who is taking over the presidency of Francesco Bagiolini. 13 to 16 October DBYN held a network meeting in Turin. Our hosts of Turismo Giovanile Sociale arranged accommodation at SERMIG - Arsenale della Pace, close to Valdocco. The focus of the meeting was initiating a strategic reform process, which will run through the year 2017. The main aim is to bring DBYN close to the needs of current generation of young Europeans. We could also welcome Lithuanian and Albanian guests from the Don Bosco centres in Vilnius and Skhoder. They could experience how the governance of our network works, get to know the different member organisations and reflect on possible future cooperation.
From 10th till 13th of March Don Bosco Youth-Net organised it’s network meeting in Rijswijk, the Netherlands. The network meeting combined 2 activities: a Erasmus+ seminar on social inclusion through youth work and DBYN’s annual meeting of the General Executive Body. By combining these 2 activities DBYN ensures that the policy makers of our network can directly interact with our volunteers. This also guarantees that the subject of the seminar (social inclusion) is mainstreamed towards all DBYN member organisations.
Within the network we use the method of the exchange market to start-up and monitor future projects. Here you can find everything you need to organise this workshop yourself: a description of the method, a lay-out of the room and the exchange market template. After almost 8 years, DBYN is soon to release its new website. The previous website was developed in a time when social networking and other web 2.0 applications were in full development. In this time we worked together with a Belgian youth work organisation, specialised in web development for the youth work sector. We were ambitious, integrating many web 2.0 applications allowing us to make simple mash-ups and personalized mailing lists. However, we were surpassed by the rapid development of the internet itself. Many of the functionalities of our website, were soon taken over by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google apps.
Since 2012 DBYN started to develop dedicated project websites. First with web-application EDICY, but when this European platform changed their business plan, we moved to the WEEBLY platform. After a few years of experience with project websites, we decided to transfer also our homepage to this platform. |
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July 2024